Saturday, December 5, 2009

8th Topic: Genocide in Darfur

In my opinion, the Militant did the most wrong doing on the innocent lives of hundreds of thousands of people. They have used murder, rape, organized starvation, and displacement on innocent human beings, that are even their people. I believe the Militant has the power to stop the geniode in Darfur, but instead they contuine to bring pain and suffering to the innocent. Also, using children as soliders to me is just plan wrong and evil. Teaching children to kill with no mercy just isn't right. Like people say, "there is a little bit of evil in all of us", well there seems to be to much evil in the Militant, who can still sleep at night knowing they are killing women, children, and men of all ages, and for what...?

These last two weeks have been very stressfull! With finals just around the corner, Im trying to get some study time in for each class, but on top of that Im always loaded with homework and also basketball. But the only thing Im looking forward to will be the Chirstmas break!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Free Topic

Well a couple things that I am really passionate about are volleyball and my religion! When i was in middle school I liked volleyball, but when i got into high school, I found that I had a raging passion for it! When Im are out there on the court I just get this adrenaline rush, with the crowd cheering, it really gets my energy level up!
Also religion is a huge thing for me! I'm really passionate about Jesus! Im currently in my Church's youth group, Saint Albert the Great. We have a really good time in there, meeting new people, and learning about God. In the youth group we don't just sit around and talk, we play games, do skits, and much more. And i know that Im lucky because very few youth groups do that!
In my free time i like to hang out with my friends and family. I hate doing homework, so its more of an escape from school! But also i like cooking. To me it's really fun to make just some random things when you are bored.

These last two weeks have been really kind of hard for me! I had gotten my phone taken up by my parents so it was a really long two weeks. I have also been in basketball, and Im hating all the condition stuff that we have to. But this weekend i will be getting a break from all of that, because I get to go to TRAVELS :) it's this big Church retreat, and i know that it is going to be the best! It will also be lots of fun to meet new people from other Church's as well. There will be about 180 kids there, so i know that will make even better!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Topic 6

Diego Rivera! He is a very famous artist, and his paintings have an, everyday life, kind of meaning. I believe the paintings he has created, tell you a lot about the everyday life of his people. He has a very unique, but at the same time orignal, style. The colors are very well blended together, and what I'm thinking is the colors may have a meaning, but im not sure. The flowers, or whatever the object, the women is picking up, tend to be in many of Diego Rivera's paintings. There may be a signficant meaning behind them. As you can see Rivera is a very talented artist. The paintings are a beautifully displayed, and in great detail tell us what kind of things people do. Diego Rivera, I think, puts a lot of what Latin America is like.

Diego Rivera was born December 8, 1886; in Guanajuato Mexico. At the age of two, Rivera's father set him up an art studio. At the age of ten Diego set his heart and mind, on becoming an artist. He began to take evening classes at the Academy of San Carlos in Mexico City. At the first annul showing, Rivera showed 26 paintings, and became an established artist. But he soon left the school, because of the new director. Because of poor health care, Rivera was not allowed to travel to most parts of Mexico. So he sent some of his work to the Governer of Vera Cruz. He was so impressed with the paintings, that he offerred Rivera a scholarship to study in Europe. Diego then met his wife Maria Gutierrez. Even though Rivera died in the year 1918, he is still known for his beautiful paintings.

The last two weeks have been really busy. I've had a lot of homework, and I started basketball this week. Even though I am REALLY sad about volleyball ending, I'm happy that I am in basketball. We had a few scrimmages and did good. But this up coming tuesday we have our first "real" game, against Del Valle. So im hopeing it will be an exciting game.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

5th Topic: Quote!

"We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children." ~ Native American Proverb. To me, this means that, when we leave this earth, we need to leave it livable for our children. We need to reserve the resources that are limited in our earth. And replace the one's that we can. For example, if we cut down a tree, we should replant one (to regulate oxygen). With how we are using our world today, it doesn't seem like we care about our children or the future. Otherwise, we would be putting more time into making our world a better place, and making peace between the countries. Meaning there would be no war, no pollution, crime, violence, all the things that are happening, wouldn't be there. We would try harder to protect our earth for our children, and grandchildren, etc.
This is a good quote, and i believe it has a major moral to it. But i think you have to read more in between the lines. You have to think about what it means to you individually, and if it has any special meaning to you. Because if we all believe that we need preserve, protect, and save our earth, we could be benifiting our future citzens.

The last two weeks have been fun, but busy. Im coming to my last game in volleyball! I think it will be a good game, but also said, because it will be my last volleyball game of my freshmen year. But even though volleyball is coming to an end, basketball season is right around the corner. Clases have been good, but some a little harder then others. But all in these last two weeks have been GREAT!!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Topic 4: Illegal Immigrants.

Illegall Immigrants are a major problem in not only the United states but other countries as well. Most all immigrants come to The United States for a better life, education, money, employment, freedom, and religion. Things some take for granted. So most immigrants will take the low paying jobs, that most Americans won't. Some immigrants come into this country illegally but some come legally but overstay the number of days on their visa. At least between 12 and 20 million immigrants living in the Untied states are illegal. But realistically there is no accurate count considering they are illegal. The majority of the the illegal immigrants come for Mexico. Most just want to get away from the poverty of their previous country. The government tries to stop illegal entry at the borders, but still some aliens get past the patrol. But also a lot of the laws aren't always enforced or are hard to enforce. This is still a growing problem, and hopefully in the future ,the government will find a better plan to help prevent the problem.

These last two weeks have been extremely busy with volleyball and homework. We are coming to the end of our volleyball season, and i will be sad to see it end, but i hope that we will win our last few games. But right after volleyball i don't have much of a break, with basketball just around the corner.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Topic 3... Culture!

I absolutly love all types of music. Anything that has a beat, melody, words, etc., I usually enjoy listening to. But even though i love all kinds of music, and many musicians and bands, my faveorite band would probably have to be Kings of Leon!
Their music is so unique and really relaxing. The main voicalists has a voice that really keeps you intersted in the song. Most of their songs are good to just kick back and relax too.
The singer has a different, unique, raspy, soul type voice that could sound good in most any song. And i think that is one reason that i really love this band. Their stuff is a lot different from some bands out there.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

5 Themes of Geography.

The 5 Themes of Geography are location, place, human enviroment interaction(HEI), movement, and region.
Location has to do with absolute and relative location. So the absolute location of Austin would be 30 North and 97 West. The relative location of Austin might be that it is southwest of Dallas.
Some physical characteristics of Austin would be lakes and hills. Austin is a pretty hot and dry city. Our winters can be really cold or mildly cold. The climate is diffentley up and down. The main language that is spoken here is english. Music is a big part of Austin. We are known as the music city in The United States.
The enviroment has taken a toll when it comes to austin. Many roads, big buildings, shopping areas, restraunts, all the the things that we've made to make life more suitable for us. Cars, buses, trains, and other automobles has Austin a little polluted. But there is always those people out there that have a positive affect on our enviroment. Simply recycling, replanting, and picking up trash that has been litered, etc.
There are many ways people get around in our city and other places.Cars, bikes, trains, buses. Also when people want to fly from country to country, city to city, or state to state there are airports to provide easier travel time. It has become much more easier for people to stay and get in touch with one another by the use of internet, cell phones, and telephones.
Austin is in the southern region of Texas.
Those are the 5 Themes of Geography in Austin.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

1st Topic.

Hey! My name is McKenna, and I am currently a freshmen at Anderson High School. I love to play vollyball, basketball, and softball. I am on the freshmen team for volleyball, and love playing every minute. I also like to be with friends and family, read, travel, and shop. I have an older sister who is a junior at Anderson. So i am the baby of the family.

My faveorite movies would have to be The Proposal, Now and Then, The Notebook, She's the Man, and Grease. I could watch those movies over and over and they would never get old.

My faveortie televison shows are That 70'S Show, What I like About you, Criminal Minds, Greek, Supernatural, and much more.

Well I hope you got to learn a little bit more about me.