Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Free Topic

Well a couple things that I am really passionate about are volleyball and my religion! When i was in middle school I liked volleyball, but when i got into high school, I found that I had a raging passion for it! When Im are out there on the court I just get this adrenaline rush, with the crowd cheering, it really gets my energy level up!
Also religion is a huge thing for me! I'm really passionate about Jesus! Im currently in my Church's youth group, Saint Albert the Great. We have a really good time in there, meeting new people, and learning about God. In the youth group we don't just sit around and talk, we play games, do skits, and much more. And i know that Im lucky because very few youth groups do that!
In my free time i like to hang out with my friends and family. I hate doing homework, so its more of an escape from school! But also i like cooking. To me it's really fun to make just some random things when you are bored.

These last two weeks have been really kind of hard for me! I had gotten my phone taken up by my parents so it was a really long two weeks. I have also been in basketball, and Im hating all the condition stuff that we have to. But this weekend i will be getting a break from all of that, because I get to go to TRAVELS :) it's this big Church retreat, and i know that it is going to be the best! It will also be lots of fun to meet new people from other Church's as well. There will be about 180 kids there, so i know that will make even better!


  1. Like the blog!! We miss you in Volleyball! And I totally agree with you on the whole adrenaline thing on the volleyball court. That's how I get pumped up. Hahaha

  2. YES I'm so excited for travles!!!!! Its gonna be a blast! I also love volleyball and our Church! No wonder why we are friends we have so much in common! haha I CANT WAIT TILL TRAVLES!!!

  3. I really liked your blog McKenna!! I hope you had fun at Travels! Volleyball games got my energy level up as well haha!
