Monday, November 9, 2009

Topic 6

Diego Rivera! He is a very famous artist, and his paintings have an, everyday life, kind of meaning. I believe the paintings he has created, tell you a lot about the everyday life of his people. He has a very unique, but at the same time orignal, style. The colors are very well blended together, and what I'm thinking is the colors may have a meaning, but im not sure. The flowers, or whatever the object, the women is picking up, tend to be in many of Diego Rivera's paintings. There may be a signficant meaning behind them. As you can see Rivera is a very talented artist. The paintings are a beautifully displayed, and in great detail tell us what kind of things people do. Diego Rivera, I think, puts a lot of what Latin America is like.

Diego Rivera was born December 8, 1886; in Guanajuato Mexico. At the age of two, Rivera's father set him up an art studio. At the age of ten Diego set his heart and mind, on becoming an artist. He began to take evening classes at the Academy of San Carlos in Mexico City. At the first annul showing, Rivera showed 26 paintings, and became an established artist. But he soon left the school, because of the new director. Because of poor health care, Rivera was not allowed to travel to most parts of Mexico. So he sent some of his work to the Governer of Vera Cruz. He was so impressed with the paintings, that he offerred Rivera a scholarship to study in Europe. Diego then met his wife Maria Gutierrez. Even though Rivera died in the year 1918, he is still known for his beautiful paintings.

The last two weeks have been really busy. I've had a lot of homework, and I started basketball this week. Even though I am REALLY sad about volleyball ending, I'm happy that I am in basketball. We had a few scrimmages and did good. But this up coming tuesday we have our first "real" game, against Del Valle. So im hopeing it will be an exciting game.

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