Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Topic Seven

The one place I would want to go to outside the United States, based on what we have learned, would have to have to be Russia. A lot as happened within the country it would be cool to see the marks, or scars left from the past. Learning about Russia has been very intersting, because all of the control switching, conquering, wars, nuclear explosions, etc. All the things that really kind of take my interst. Also they have some of the most beatiful tourists sites, landmarks, landforms, and places to see, in my opinion, some of the best in the workd. So not only do the beautiful attractions, atrract me to the country, but the history! That would be a huge reason to go, to see for myself what i have heard in world geography class, but maybe even to learn knew things as well.

One of the places I would want to visit in Russia, if I were to go!


The past two weeks have been pretty relaxed. I have gone back to volleyball in athletics and its been fun but nerve recking, we've learned so many new drills, and i don't know all of them. But other then that it has been fun,to get back in the hang of it. Also i have hung out a lot with my friends, enjoying the free weekends that I finally have. Also the excitment that there is only have four more weeks of school,have been making the weeks a little better.


  1. Nicely done, cool looking church!

  2. i liked your blog! i can't wait for summer!! 4 weeks! :)

  3. I like you Pictures! Great blog it looks like you spent lots of time on it.
