Saturday, October 24, 2009

5th Topic: Quote!

"We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children." ~ Native American Proverb. To me, this means that, when we leave this earth, we need to leave it livable for our children. We need to reserve the resources that are limited in our earth. And replace the one's that we can. For example, if we cut down a tree, we should replant one (to regulate oxygen). With how we are using our world today, it doesn't seem like we care about our children or the future. Otherwise, we would be putting more time into making our world a better place, and making peace between the countries. Meaning there would be no war, no pollution, crime, violence, all the things that are happening, wouldn't be there. We would try harder to protect our earth for our children, and grandchildren, etc.
This is a good quote, and i believe it has a major moral to it. But i think you have to read more in between the lines. You have to think about what it means to you individually, and if it has any special meaning to you. Because if we all believe that we need preserve, protect, and save our earth, we could be benifiting our future citzens.

The last two weeks have been fun, but busy. Im coming to my last game in volleyball! I think it will be a good game, but also said, because it will be my last volleyball game of my freshmen year. But even though volleyball is coming to an end, basketball season is right around the corner. Clases have been good, but some a little harder then others. But all in these last two weeks have been GREAT!!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Topic 4: Illegal Immigrants.

Illegall Immigrants are a major problem in not only the United states but other countries as well. Most all immigrants come to The United States for a better life, education, money, employment, freedom, and religion. Things some take for granted. So most immigrants will take the low paying jobs, that most Americans won't. Some immigrants come into this country illegally but some come legally but overstay the number of days on their visa. At least between 12 and 20 million immigrants living in the Untied states are illegal. But realistically there is no accurate count considering they are illegal. The majority of the the illegal immigrants come for Mexico. Most just want to get away from the poverty of their previous country. The government tries to stop illegal entry at the borders, but still some aliens get past the patrol. But also a lot of the laws aren't always enforced or are hard to enforce. This is still a growing problem, and hopefully in the future ,the government will find a better plan to help prevent the problem.

These last two weeks have been extremely busy with volleyball and homework. We are coming to the end of our volleyball season, and i will be sad to see it end, but i hope that we will win our last few games. But right after volleyball i don't have much of a break, with basketball just around the corner.